Kazakhstan - model of peaceful coexistence of different religions

MAGDEBURG. February 24. KAZINFORM /Yuliya Chernova/ Kazakhstan is preparing for convocation of the III Congress of the Leaders of the World and Traditional Religions scheduled for July 1-2 in Astana. The event will be held in the capital?s Palace of Peace and Harmony. Common values, ethical norms, issues of coexistence and joint security as well as further development of the inter-faith dialogue and issues of justice and legality will be in spotlight of thematic groups and general plenary session.
The previous Congresses of the World Religions were held in Kazakhstan in 2003 and 2006. Its convocation was initiated by President of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev with the aim of strengthening the dialogue of nations and religions and building bridges between the West and the East. Kazakhstan can serve as a model in solution of the problem of peaceful coexistence of different religions. Kazakhstan has become a Motherland the representatives of 130 different nationalities. 40 religious communities work on its territory. The largest religious communities in the republic are the Islamic Religious Community and the Russian Orthodox Church, Kazinform refers to www.ots.at.
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