Kazakhstan, Mongolia discuss opening direct air flight

ASTANA.  December 22. KAZINFORM Kazakh Minister of Transport and Communications Abelgazy Kussainov met with Ambassador of Mongolia to our country Ayurzan Haraavch in Astana yesterday.

The Minister informed the Mongolian Diplomat of the course of development of the country's transport system, its transit potential as well as implementation of large projects in highway and railway sectors and in civil aviation.

A.Kussainov noted importance of cooperation of Kazakhstan and Mongolia in transport sphere. To date the countries have established mutually beneficial ties in several types of transport and communications and a number of joint projects.

In turn, A. Haraavch voiced the major aspects of cooperation requiring thorough consideration. In particular, this regards launch of a direct air flight between Kazakhstan and Mongolia as well transit transportation of goods through the Russian territory.

"Kazakh side is ready to consider these issues. Opening the direct flight depends primarily on presence of passengers", the Kazakh Minister said. As for the transit transportation of goods, A. Kussainov proposed to organize tripartite negotiations of Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia.

Upon completion of the meeting the parties agreed to continue discussion of the problems of cooperation in transport in future.

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