Kazakhstan must have best school of medicine in region – N. Nazarbayev

"This is a present to all Astana residents on the threshold of New Year - a modern hospital with 360 beds, modern medical equipment and technology of medical diagnosis. I think this will save thousands of lives of Astana residents and, may be, people from other regions and countries will come here", - N. Nazarbayev noted.
According to the Head of the State people from neighboring countries come to Astana for diagnosis and medical treatment. All conditions are created for this purpose in our country. A medical cluster covering seven centers is under construction in the capital which will be completed after the construction of cardio-center.
"Our main purpose is to extend the middle age and active life of Kazakh people. Do everything so that Kazakhstan had the best school of medicine in the region. No matter how long Cuba is criticized this country created a medicine which is considered by Latin America as the best one. Why not to become such a brand like this?", - the President said.
"Our regional centers operate on heart. We save thousands of lives as far as according to some data we have 9 thousand people who need in cardiac surgery. We are on the point to provide each citizen of Kazakhstan with quality surgery without leaving abroad", - N. Nazarbayev stated.