21:04, 21 April 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakhstan needs recognizable and strong national brand
ASTANA. April 21. KAZINFORM /Rizvana Sadykova/ ?Thanks to ?Bolashak? scholarship I have gained invaluable professional knowledge and skills in the field of public relations?, officer of the Presidential press service Dina Konakbayeva, BA in public relations of the Saint Mary?s University in Rome, Italy, alumnus of the "Bolashak" educational program tells in her interview to Kazinform.

Can you tell about your education and family?
I grew up in a big family with four children. My parents are civil engineers. They paid a lot of attention to our upbringing and did their best to develop our creativity. They gave us complete freedom of choice. Before entering the university, I thought a lot what a career to follow in the future, where I could use all my potential and do my work with pleasure. I wished to create and learn something new. And I decided to study journalism at the Eurasian National University. After two years of studying I took a decision to continue my education abroad.
Why did you choose Italy?
I have been interested in Italy since my school years: in this country?s centuries-old history and traditions. I even took italian language classes. Education in Italy is notable for great variety and its quality is recognized worldwide. I chose public relations for this specialty is connected with journalism but embraces wider spectrum of activity ? communication with people, work with mass media, where the creative approach is not of less importance.
The first year was very difficult due to the new curriculum and learning process, communication, adaptation to the other nation?s culture. But a human being gets accustomed to everything. Living abroad you become more responsible and mature. You learn something that you don?t have at home. The gained experience was unique and necessary for further self-development. Thanks to this scholarship I gained invaluable professional knowledge and skills in the field of international media technologies, became familiar with development of PR-campaigns and image projects.
Nowadays mass media role in society continues to rise dynamically. First of all, it is connected with such an important factor of the modern world as formation of public opinion through information communications. I think that the achievement of both political and economic goals becomes impossible without establishing of good relationship between the public and media, development of IT and world information exchange.
At present the problem of the Kazakh brand search is under intensive discussion. What can you propose as the ones of these?
Promotion of the national interests and the country?s brand are strategic and very important actions, investments in the future for any state. Success of economic growth and dynamical development of relations with other states depend on the country?s image, how it is formed and promoted at a foreign market. Being a young developing state, Kazakhstan, needs a recognizable and strong national brand. Currently there are numerous different opinions what shoud we choose as national brand. One is clear, it is necessary to outline qualities, character and individuality of the country. I think that, fist of all, the Kazakh brand should be built in the spheres of tourism, culture and sport. I will be happy to hear opinions of our readers on this issue.
Coming back to ?Bolashak? program I want to point our that it is also an image project. The ?Bolashak? scholarships, the talented youth of Kazakhstan, represent their country abroad and promote formation of the country?s image as a state which pays important significance to intellectual development of the youth and striving for a high level of development.
?Bolashak? international program initiated by the Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev is a big chance given once in a lifetime for young Kazakh hopefuls to obtain education abroad, expand an overview and understand vital values.
And I want to make a contribution to the country?s development and prosperity, which has a big potential, rich cultural heritage and opportunities for further raise.
Thank you for the interview.