Kazakhstan next stop for Noruz exhibit

TEHRAN. April 2. KAZINFORM Kazakhstan will be the next stop for the showcase on the celebration of Noruz (Iranian New Year) which is currently underway at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.

Artists from members of The Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) are celebrating Noruz for the first time together in Paris during an exhibit under the title of "Noruz World Celebration".

A group of Iranian and foreign artists are displaying their artworks including photos, graphic designs and cartoons centering on Noruz (beginning on March 21), Tehran Times reports.

Masters Kambiz Derambakhsh, Seifollah Samadian and Amrollah Farhadi have selected 180 works out of the 4,000 submitted works from 30 countries, ECO Cultural Institute (ECI) director Hojjatollah Ayyubi previously mentioned in a press release.

Artists from Poland, Malaysia, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, China, Afghanistan, Turkey, Indonesia, Germany and several others are participating in this event.

The winners will be announced in May at the ECO Cultural Institute in Tehran, Ayyubi said, adding that Azerbaijan, Russia and Kyrgyzstan will be the next hosts after Tajikistan.

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