14:14, 15 December 2012 | GMT +5
Kazakhstan not in talks over purchase of controlling stake in MTS
MINSK. December 15. KAZINFORM Kazakhstan is not in talks over the purchase of the controlling stake in COOO MTS, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Belarus Ergali Bulegenov told a press conference in Minsk on 14 December.

According to him, Kazakhstani specialists, representatives of the relevant departments have already visited Belarus. "The price is not beneficial to the Kazakh side," said Yergali Bulegenov. "Therefore Kazakhstan has not entered into any negotiation," he added.
The Belarus-Russia joint venture COOO MTS has been providing GSM 900/1800 cellular communication services in Belarus since 2002 and UMTS services since 2010. The company's founders are Russia's OAO MTS (49% of the authorized capital) and Belarusian landline communication company Beltelecom (51%). The state plans to sell a 51% stake in the authorized capital of the company, BelTA informs.