Kazakhstan not to change its foreign policy priorities - President

"Our country develops active cooperation with the CIS and Central Asia states. Trade, investments, energy and transport remain the major spheres of the Kazakhstan-Central Asia bilateral interaction", N. Nazarbayev said.
"The idea of integration of the CA states is still on agenda. It is based on the Council of cooperation of the Turkic-speaking countries and our joint Aral Sea Rehabilitation Fund", the President noted.
The relations with Russia, China and the USA take a special place in Kazakhstan's foreign policy. Regional security, energy, trade, transport and communications are main directions of cooperation with them.
"We are ready to develop and strengthen these relations and reproach our positions", the President said.
"Further strengthening of the partnership relations with the European countries holds key place in our foreign policy while the agreements on strategic partnership with Spain, France and Italy raise our relations to a brand new level", he stressed. New prospects of cooperation in economy are opened in the relations with the Middle East, Gulf States, Asia-Pacific region and Latin America.
Kazakhstan will continue its interaction with the international community, the USA regarding joint solution of the situation in Afghanistan, the President stated.
Alongside he reminded of allocation of USD 50 mln for teaching Afghan students under a special program next year. The program will cover around 1, 000 students and is scheduled for 9 years.
"This is a real help", the Head of the State said.