Kazakhstan once against strongly condemned use of chemical weapons in Syria: MFA's statement

We support the adoption of a UN Security Council resolution on Syria that would stipulate strict compliance to a concerted decision on the elimination of chemical weapons in this country and the conduct of regular inspections of this process.
We express our hopes that the accession of Syria to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on their Destruction as well as placement of such weapons under international control will preclude the possibility of their repeated use and become an effective step towards the end of a longstanding and bloody conflict in Syria.
Kazakhstan once again urges the international community and the UN Security Council to take systemic steps towards the advancement of the goal of ridding the planet of all types of weapons of mass destruction.
We call for earliest convention of an international conference on the settlement of the conflict in Syria with the aim to end violence and determine Syria's political future through dialogue and reconciliation.