Kazakhstan participated in "Bologna process 2009? conference

BRUSSELS. April 30. KAZINFORM /Yerzhan Ospanov/ A two-day conference ?Bologna process 2009? on the level of education ministers finished in Belgian Louven-la-Neuve yesterday. Kazakhstan was for the first time invited for the event this year.
Delivering a speech Minister of Education of Kazakhstan Zhansseit Tuimebayev noted that cooperation and integration into the world educational space was one of the main priorities in Kazakhstan?s policy, development of the country?s foreign policy course. Participation in this process is of paramount importance for the republic, for increasing competitiveness of Kazakhstan?s educational services, recognizing the level of qualification of our scientists and teachers by the world community. ?We consider accession of Kazakhstan?s high school to the Bologna process as a tool for improving the quality of specialists training for the national economy and as a necessary condition for enhancing Kazakhstan?s position in the international educational space?, the Minister said. The Kazakh Government raises the state expenses for education every year, he noted. Thus, in 2008 financing of education was increased more than 2.8 times in comparison with 2004. About USD 4.6 bln are to be allotted in 2009. Z. Tuimebayev told about of introduction of a multilevel structure of higher and post-graduate education in the country ? bachelor?s degree-master?s degree-PhD. The Minister also acquainted the participants of the conference with Bolashak international Scholarship Program initiated by President Nursultan Nazarbayev. ?Over the fourteen years of realization the program has covered more than two thousand students who got an opportunity to study in the best universities of the world ? Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge, Sorbonne and others?, he added. ?Development of international ties of the Kazakh universities with foreign ones provides good conditions for implementation of joint educational programs. This is, first of all, realization of the program of two-diploma education. 50 universities of Kazakhstan are implementing this program together with the leading universities of Great Britain, Ireland, Spain, Chechia, Germany and the USA?, Z. Tuimebayev noted. In turn, Minister of Education on Belgium Frank Vandenbroucke said: ?We are glad to see Kazakhstan as a participant of the Bologna process and hear a speech of the Kazakh delegation. Every participant is an equal partner for us. And today?s participation of Kazakhstan in the conference with the representatives of 46 countries proves that your country supports and consolidates this kind of cooperation?. The Bologna Process is the process of creating the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and is based on cooperation between ministries, higher education institutions, students and staff from 46 countries, with the participation of international organizations.
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