11:35, 31 January 2018 | GMT +6
Kazakhstan passes ICAO Aviation Security audit
ASTANA. KAZINFORM The Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Investments and Development successfully passed the aviation security audit of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), confirming its compliance with international standards.
According to the Committee, the level of its compliance with ICAO requirements is 83%, which is 21% higher than in 2009 and 11% higher than the global average.
ICAO safety audit is one of the most important tools for assessing the security of the contracting states' civil aviation.
This time, the Organization's experts assessed Kazakhstan's aviation security on 480 criteria, while the previous audit in 2009 consisted of 299 criteria, which clearly demonstrates the tightening of ICAO regulations.
According to the Kazakshtan's CAC thanks to the great results of the audit, the country became one of the global leaders in terms of aviation security.