Kazakhstan plans to increase non-energy exports

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Kazakhstan plans to increase the share of non-energy exports, this has been announced by the Deputy Chairman of «KAZNEX INVEST» JSC Meyerzhan Maykenov at the presentation of the National Export Strategy of Kazakhstan until 2020.

According to his words the share of non-energy products in total exports of Kazakhstan equals to 25%. "Our task is to increase the number of the non-energy exports. Thus, we propose to implement three mechanisms: an extension of the financial business support, revision of the mechanismof transport services reduction and the creation and expansion of networks to support Kazakhstan's business abroad", said A.Maykenov.

Non-energy exports, according to him, include products of metallurgy, engineering, chemical and light industry, construction and food. He noted that it is necessary to take measures to increase exports of manufactured goods.

National Export Strategy discussion brought together representatives of government bodies, national companies, public organizations, associations and small and medium business of our state.

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