Kazakhstan population number increased by 2.6%

ASTANA. January 16. KAZINFORM According to figures for January - November 2012, the number of population of Kazakhstan increased by 221.5 thousand people, Chairman of the Statistics Agency Alikhan Smailov informed yesterday.

"The number of people of Kazakhstan made 16.897 mln people in December 2012. This includes 9 mln 254.7 thousand urban residents, 7 mln 642.2 thousand rural residents. In January-November 2012, the total population number increased by 221.5 thousand people. This is 2.6% more against the corresponding period of 2011," S.Alikhanov said.

The natural population growth made 222.9 thousand people in January-November 2012. The total rate of natural increase of population made 14.5 per 1000 people, Kazinform has learnt from primeminister.kz.

Besides, the Civil Registration Offices registered 354.6 thousand births that is 2,7% more than in 11 months of 2011. The birth rate made 23.1 births per 1000 people. The number of people died in the country over the reporting period was up to 131.7 thousand people or 1.5% less against January-November 2011.

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