09:51, 12 March 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakhstan presented Afghanistan supporting plan at 18th conference of ECO FMs
ASTANA. March 12. KAZINFORM As earlier reported on March 9-11 Tehran hosted the 18th Conference of the Foreign Ministers of the Economic Cooperation Organization member countries. Kazakhstan delegation was headed by Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Nurlan Yermekbayev, Kazinform refers to the press service of the Kazakh MFA.
The event was organized upon completion of the Senior Officials Session held on March 7-8.
The agenda of the 18th conference of the ECO FMs included the topical issues of the Organization for today. These are the agreements signed earlier and waiting for ratification and realization by the countries. The most important for Kazakhstan are the Frame Agreement on transit transportation and the Memorandum of mutual understanding among the member countries on establishment of ECO regional centre on natural disasters control.
Heads of specialized bodies and ECO regional institutes, in particular, the ECO Cultural Institute, the ECO Trade and Development Bank, the ECO College of Insurance and others made reports.
The conference participants approved Kazakhstan?s Plan on establishment of the ECO representation in Almaty which is planned to start functioning this year.
Alongside the participants focused on early realization of the RK priority projects within the ECO, like Almaty ? Bandar-Abbas and Almaty-Istanbul railway routes.
As for rehabilitation of Afghanistan and interaction of the ECO with other regional and international organizations Vice Minister Nurlan Yermekbayev presented Kazakhstan?s Plan on supporting Afghanistan.
President of the Islamic Development Bank Ahmad Mohammad Ali, Chairman of the UN EC Jan Kubis and Director General of the CICA Dulat Bakishev took part in the conference.