Kazakhstan ranks 2nd in world in terms of e-participation

GENEVA. May 16. KAZINFORM The delegation of Kazakhstan presented the achievements of the country in the sphere of information and communication technologies at the Forum of the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva.

According to the latest rankings of the UN, Kazakhstan jointly with Singapore took the second place in the world in terms of the e-participation among 190 participating countries, Pm. kz site informed.

Kazakhstan ranked 31st in terms of these rankings in 2005. Our country also climbed up from the 65th place to the 38thone in 2005 in terms of development of electronic government.

Creation of the e-government in Kazakhstan was initiated by President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The program on introduction of e-government was approved on November 10, 2004 by the Decree of the President.

The web portal and the communication server of the e-government, electronic interdepartmental document circulation, certification centers, single transport sphere, state database of individuals and entities were launched from 2004 through 2006. www.egov.kz  portal began its work on April 12, 2006 and when it was launched it rendered 377 information services of different state bodies.

The work on creation of the payment gateway of the electronic government which would allow conducting transactions had been held from 2007 till 2009. Besides, the e-licensing database and the first interactive services were launched on the portal.

Presently, more than 2000 information, 225 interactive and transaction services are rendered within the framework of the e-government project. 154 120 users are registered on the portal and the average daily visits make about 25 thousand people. In total, more than 11 200 000 electronic services have been rendered over the last 6 years. Since April 1, 2012, all types of licenses are issues only in electronic format through the e-license portal.

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