Kazakhstan ready to accede to Missile Technology Control Regime

ASTANA. April 27. KAZINFORM /Aigul Tulekbayeva/ ?Kazakhstan has a system of export control and the legislative base, corresponding to the requirements of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR). Our country demonstrates adherence to non-proliferation of missiles and readiness to entry the MTCR?, official representative of the Kazakh Foreign Ministry Yerzhan Ashikbayev has said today at the briefing.
According to him, participation in the MTCR activity is topical as long as the country has ?Baikonur? rocket and space complex and intends to develop the national space program. He noted that Kazakhstan had done much to bring the legislation in the area of export controls in full conformity with international law. Kazakhstan is a party to all agreemts that form the basis of the international non-prolifiration regime as well as a party to 13 international conventions on combating terrorism, including the Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism.
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