Kazakhstan, Russia Parliament Committees sum up joint meeting
"Today we have had a very good dialogue and friendly conversation. We have found a lot of contact points, a new platform where we could discuss the issues of further deepening of economic integration of the EEU countries. There were raised the issues blocking further development of our trade and economic relations," Dariga Nazarbayeva said following the joint session of the members of the Committee of Kazakhstan Parliament for International Relations, Defense and Security and the Committees of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly for International Affairs, Defense and Security.
According to Dariga Nazarbayeva, despite the international agreements ratified between the two countries' parliaments, in practice there frequently occur obstacles at different levels of bureaucratic echelons which block development of business relations and interaction of citizens.
"Therefore, we need such a platform. We have already agreed all together than we should continue this dialogue. Today we are in Moscow. I hope that the next meeting will be in Astana," Dariga Nazarbayeva said.
Active cooperation and dialogue of the parliamentarians of Kazakhstan and Russia at different levels will ensure quality integration of the Eurasian Economic Union member countries, according to Dariga Nazarbayeva.
"I see a great perspective to influence the content of the agreements signed within the framework of the EEU. Very often the Parliament receives completed documents and it appears impossible to change the content of these documents. We believe that through interaction of our parliaments at most different levels and interaction with governments we will be able to impact the content of these agreements," Dariga Nazarbayeva said.
Konstantin Kosachev, head of the Committee for International Affairs of the Russian Federation sees one more angle of interaction between the two countries' parliaments in the line of profile committees.
"The interparliament dialogue is in very advanced condition. We have great relations both on the professional and personal levels. The bilateral Commission for Interparliament Cooperation performs very efficiently too. Now we are going to shape one more dimension which is interaction among the profile committees. It is not about diversifying our dialogue, but giving it more goal-oriented and consequent character," the Russian expert said.
"Today we are having the first joint session and we are only groping for the opportunities of the new format. But with great satisfaction I can say that the three hours of our dialogue are not enough. We do have mutual interest towards the dialogue," Konstantin Kosachev said.
"Those were the issues touching the problems of global security, keeping strategic balance of forces in the world, perspectives of nuclear disarmament - the initiative President Nazarbayev consistently advocates for," the Russian politician said telling about the topics discussed in the meeting.
"We spoke about the fortune of Eurasian integration, which is another example of Kazakhstan setting the pace and high standards for moving forward in our bilateral and multilateral interaction. There were also voiced some anxious moments. Unfortunately, despite the huge potential of the Eurasian cooperation is not implemented to its full in practice. Again, there are quite many unnecessary and very often purely bureaucratic obstacles. Also we spoke about the humanitarian component of our cooperation," Konstantin Kosachev concluded.