Kazakhstan's chairmanship in OIC to promote rapprochement of OIC and OSCE - E. Ihsanoglu
"Both organizations deal with the issues of international peace, security and development. Making a speech at the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna in May this year I stressed that there was a vast scope of cooperation between the OSCE and OIC. We should fully use this opportunity and give momentum to our cooperation on the basis of expansion of interaction and consultations", the Secretary General noted.
Mr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu emphasized the successful chairmanship of Kazakhstan in the OSCE and competence of the Kazakh President.
"Regional and international cooperation is a base for reducing poverty, countering terrorism and transnational crime. We proceed from the strategic vision of solidarity in Central Asia, which was adopted at the last meeting of the Council of Ministers in Tajikistan. I would like to pay tribute to Kazakhstan for its example in the field of disarmament. This should be followed by other countries, so that the whole world become free of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction", the OIC secretary General resumed.