Kazakhstan?s chief mufti meets INLA director

TEHRAN. March 16. KAZINFORM Kazakhstan Chief Mufti Absattar Derbisali met with Iran National Library and Archive (INLA) director Ali-Akbar Ash?ari on Saturday.
Ash?ari considered cultural relations between the two states very good and said that the national libraries of both countries also have good relations. He also talked about the agreement signed between the two libraries and said, ?We are ready to train Kazakh experts and also cooperate in recognizing, restoring, and preserving the manuscripts kept in Kazakhstan.? ?Considering the interest of both countries in the philosopher and scientist of the Islamic world Abu Nasr Farabi, we propose establishment of a course of studies on Farabi at the universities of Kazakhstan. We are also ready to establish a Farabi Foundation as a joint project,? he added. Chief Mufti Derbisali also referred to the long history of relations between the two countries and stated, ?The homonym cities and shared words of both countries show the cultural commonalities of the two nations. And the interest of both countries in enhancing relations presents a good opportunity for cultural cooperation.? ?Visiting the library today, I saw that the Iran National Library and Archive enjoys a rich collection of manuscripts,? he remarked. He also talked about the Persian course established in his country and said, ?In order to become familiar with the origin of the history and culture of our country, we need to know that one of its major building blocks is the Persian language.? Derbisali also expressed appreciation to INLA for the establishment of a Kazakh studies center and setting up a statue of the famous Kazakh poet Abay at the venue of the library. Kazakhstan?s chief mufti and his delegation also visited the various sections of the library, Kazinform refers to Tehran Times.
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