Kazakhstan's experience in inter-ethnic dialogue hailed in Florence

The event brought together reps of various confessions: Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.
In his speech Kazakh ambassador Andrian Yelemessov familiarized those present with peculiarities of the national model of inter-ethnic tolerance that had become the key principle of the state policy. It is demonstrated by the fact that Kazakhstan played host to four Congresses of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions - a unique international forum promoting global inter-ethnic peace.
The Italian side noted Kazakhstan's policy in that field was of particular interest and popular among spiritual leaders as well as political ones.
It was noted that Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev and his initiatives aimed at strengthening inter-ethnic and inter-cultural dialogue added to the cause. According to the participants, Kazakhstan's model of relations between the state and religious associations is based on the democratic principles.
The participants also urged to preserve inter-ethnic accord and develop dialogue between the Muslim world and the West.