Kazakhstan’s highest and lowest birthrate regions announced

ASTANA. KAZINFORM First Deputy Minister of National Economy Ruslan Dalenov has publicized the regions with the highest and lowest birthrates in Kazakhstan, Kazinform correspondent reports.

He announced this information during a Government briefing for improvement of the state statistics maintenance procedures.

"The highest birthrate, 31 people per thousand people, is in Mangystau region. At present, the lowest birth rate in our country is observed in North Kazakhstan region - almost 14 people / 1,000 people", Ruslan Dalenov said.

According to the information, 400,000 children, of which 207 thousand boys and 193 thousand girls, were born in 2016.

"The male birthrate is higher. 29,000 children were born last month, in April 2017 including 15,000 boys and nearly 14,000 girls", added Ruslan Dalenov.


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