Kazakhstan's Independence Day marked in Sofia

The representatives of Bulgarian authorities, business circles, scientific community, ambassadors of foreign states accredited in Bulgaria, Kazakh Diaspora and students from Kazakhstan took part in the event.
It was noted the despite the influence of the world economic crisis Kazakhstan continues to open modern industrial enterprises, launch new facilities by the program "100 schools, 100 hospitals", realize infrastructure projects. The Government takes active measures to strengthen financial system, address the problems of home owners, improve social sphere and create new jobs. The policy of the Kazakh President on preservation of interethnic and inter-confessional accord was called one of the keys to successful development of Kazakhstan.
Special attention was paid to the external policy of Kazakhstan. An important role of Kazakhstan in the system of foreign relations is proved by its leadership in the CICA and forthcoming chairmanship in five influential organizations: OSCE, EurAsEC, OIC, SCO and TURKSOI.
During the reception the guests watched a documentary about President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. The presentation of his book "Kazakhstan's Way" was held as well.