Kazakhstan’s initiatives to foster global dialogue presented at GLOBSEC in Bratislava

BRATISLAVA. KAZINFORM – Kazakh Foreign Minister Mukhar Tleuberdi arrived in the city of Bratislava at the invitation of the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovakia Ivan Korcok to participate in the 15th international forum Globsec, Kazinform cites the press service of the Kazakh Foreign Ministry.

The annual international forum Globsec is among the leading conferences in Central and Eastern Europe discussing strategic issues around the world. This year’s forum focused a wider range of issues, including the COVID-19 infection facing humankind.

The forum also discussed future development of the global economy, world politics and international institutions post-pandemic, development of the European Union and Central and Eastern Europe after the crisis, digitalization and promotion of democracy.

The Kazakh Foreign Minister alongside the high representatives of Slovakia, the US and OSCE took part in the discussion session on the sidelines of the forum.

The minister voiced First Kazakh President-Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev’s initiative on global and interregional dialogue, emphasizing the idea of holding a high-level meeting between the US, Russia, China and European Union. He also underscored Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s view on the necessity for comprehensive strengthening of the UN as the key international organization ensuring inclusive participation of all countries in facing world problems.

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