11:36, 11 November 2018 | GMT +5
Kazakhstan's intl reserves hit $85bn in Oct 18
ASTANA. KAZINFORM The volume of international reserves of Kazakhstan in October 2018 decreased by 0.96% compared to September (by 3.91% compared to December 2017) and comprised $85,591 billion, Kazinform correspondent reports.

According to the National Bank, the volume of gross international reserves in October fell by 2.95% (by 5.38% since the year beginning) and made $29,009 billion. Meanwhile, the volume of net international reserves dropped by 2.98% (-5.38%) to $28,606 billion.
The National Bank assets made $56,499 billion having risen by 0.09% (-3.15%).
The volume of assets in freely convertible currency made $15,735 billion that is 8.66% less than in December 2017. The volume of assets in gold increased by 4.75% (6.87%) and made $13,357 billion.