Kazakhstan's role is to promote a more equilibrate socioeconomic situation in Central Asia – Tiberio Graziani

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Tiberio Graziani, the Chairman of Vision and Global Trends of the International Institute for Global Analysis, talked to Jibek Joly TV host Kunsaya Kurmet on the sidelines of the Astana International Forum about the role of Kazakhstan in the Central Asian region and promising cooperation along the One Belt One Road initiative, Kazinform correspondent reports.

During the interview, Tiberio Graziani stressed that Kazakhstan is a very young republic, it is only 30 years old. But, after those 30 years Kazakhstan has changed, there is a new Kazakhstan now. In the past three decades, the country witnessed an economical evolution.

He also welcomed the fact that there are a lot of young people in Kazakhstan now and expressed hope that the new generation will be the future of our young republic.

As to the political reforms in the country, the expert said it is very important for presidency, for government to change, to reformulate the constitution, adding new articles that will help mobilize the economy and new enterprises.

Tiberio Graziani continued by emphasizing that Kazakhstan is one of the main actors of the Central Asian region. «I think that the leadership of Kazakhstan has a responsibility to support other countries of the region, because the role of Kazakhstan is to promote a more equilibrate socioeconomic situation in Central Asia. In my opinion, Kazakhstan has also the role to promote not only the socioeconomic equilibrium in the region, but also some geopolitical aspects.

He pointed out that for the past 20 years Astana has been the cradle of fora devoted to peace and dialogue of civilizations and has also drawn attention of the global community to the problem of nuclear neutrality.

When asked about the growing interest to the One Belt One Road initiative, Kazakhstan’s involvement in it and how Europe can benefit from it, the Chairman of Vision and Global Trends of the International Institute for Global Analysis said that cooperation within the framework of the initiative looks quite promising in the mid-term and the future.

Kazakhstan and Central Asia region, according to the expert, are a part of an axis that starts from the Mediterranean up to Central Asia. «It is very important to implement, to improve and to enlarge connectivity in this region,» he pointed out.

As for the second meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia and President of the European Council Charles Michel held in Kyrgyzstan recently and the topics raised there, including investments to the middle corridor, the expert said that the more connectivity there is in the region, the better.

Tiberio Graziani concluded by praising the important role Astana is playing nowadays as a meeting point not only at the Eurasian level, but also at the global level.

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