16:37, 11 September 2013 | GMT +5
Kazakhstan's university joins top 300 world universities
ASTANA. September 11. KAZINFORM According to the Times Higher Education - QS World University Rankings (Great Britain), a recognized authority in the field of evaluation of quality indicators of the development of universities, the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi (KazNU) took 299th place among the world's 800 best universities.

The leading institution of the country actively demonstrates the dynamics of the rapid advancement in the world rankings. The Al-Farabi University has achieved such a great success due to comprehensive structural modernization, building departments on the basis of the cluster approach, consolidation of departments, and introduction of a control system based on the result.
According to the leading international experts, the KazNU has greatly improved the quality indicators in all areas. The University fully uses educational programs that meet international standards. The Al-Farabi University scholars actively carry out research, implement innovative projects at the international level, and create new technologies.