16:36, 13 May 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakhstan science is in demand on the international level ? expert
ALMATY. May 10. KAZINFORM /Serik Koibagarov/ Kazakhstani science is in demand on the international level, President of the National Center of Scientific and Technical Information of Kazakhstan JSC Yerbol Suleimenov stated in an interview to Kazinform while telling about the condition, level and development issues of national science.

- Kazakhstan has adopted an ambitious program which is to raise the country?s technological competitiveness in the global market within several years. Also the Government emphasizes that success on the international level and in the country will depend on effectiveness of the modernized potential of science and technology of the country ? within the education system, Research and Advanced Development Institute, manufacturing companies and service organizations.
At present there are more than 300 scientific organizations under different agencies and of various types of ownership in Kazakhstan where over 16,000 researchers and scholars are working.
The first domestic vaccine against bird flu adapted to Kazakhstani conditions can be considered as an achievement of the world class. Only a few countries such as Russia, USA, China, England, and France elaborated their own vaccine against this disease. The work on modernization of the NTL series of on-board computers, which are created by specialists of network technologies laboratory, is continued. Such computers are foreseen for use in transport facilities, including military ones, and in space-limited environment. There are many other examples.
What is done for the domestic science breakthrough to advanced positions in the world? How does the domestic science cooperate with other countries?
- The State Program of Science Development for 2007-2012 should bring national science to a new level and to the international advanced positions. The status of the Supreme Scientific and Technical Commission, which is headed by the Kazakh Prime Minister, was raised for improvement of organization and management structure. Taking into account opinions of international experts on the scientific potential of Kazakhstan, the Supreme Scientific and Technical Commission stated nanotechnologies and new materials, biotechnologies, technologies for hydrocarbon and mining and metallurgical sectors, and related service industries, nuclear technology and renewable energy technologies, information and space technology etc., to be priority spheres of Kazakhstani science.
By the Government?s Resolution the Science Foundation JSC was created for support of potential effective and research and advanced developments of the world class selected on a competitive basis. The Foundation plays one of the key roles in implementation of the State program for 2007-2012. Last year following the results of competitions on the projects financing the Science Foundation received 197 applications amounting to KZT 18378.4 mln, 129 of which are applications for grants to the amount of KZT 1956.4 mln.
There is a fact of creation of two international innovation educational consortiums, which unite efforts of foreign and domestic scientists in solution of topical scientific problems. The Eurasian National L.Gumilyov University, Kazakh National Nuclear Center and intergovernmental organization ?United Institute of Nuclear Researches? signed a memorandum on use of the Kazakh DC-60 heavy ion accelerator. The Land, Metallurgy and Enrichment Science Center, Center for Astrophysical Research, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakh National Technical University, Kazakh-British technical University, Saint Petersburg University, Tomsk University, Zelenograd Nanotechnology Company and etc. signed a memorandum in the sphere of nanotechnologies.
How do you assess the activity of technology parks?
- Technology parks are an effective method of connection of science and industry. The coordination of their work lies in the Engineering and Technology Transfer Center ? development institution under the supervision of the Kazakh Ministry of Industry and Trade. It is aimed at creation of specialized technology parks in the cities, which have all conditions, educational, scientific-technical and industrial potential. The technology park in Almaty gathered all resources of the Architectural and Construction Academy, Land, Metallurgy and Enrichment Science Center and Engineering and Technology Transfer Center together. Work of technology parks in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Shymkent, Uralsk and Karaganda is successful.
Is financing of the Kazakh science ample? And what is the material-technical basis of scientific-technical organizations
- At present financing of Kazakhstani science is not sufficient enough. For example, in 2007 a share of expenses for research and advanced developments in the GDP formed 0.22 percent. For comparison, in Sweden - 3.8 percent, in Japan ? 3.04 percent, in the USA ? 2.64 percent, in Germany ? 2.44 percent. On opinion of international experts, it is necessary at least 2 percent were allocated for stable state development.
What are the problems and prospects of commercialization of results in the scientific and technical activity in Kazakhstan?
- The Kazakh Ministry of Education and Science jointly with the World Bank elaborated a project ?Commercialization of technologies?, which foresees improvement of the investment attractiveness of the Kazakh science. It is independent assessment of scientific and technical projects with attraction of famous foreign scientists, monitoring of their implementation, integration in international scientific environment, concentration of resources.
Of course, there are problems, such as undeveloped system of technologies transfer; lack of effective mechanisms of development and support of small innovative enterprises; weak financial infrastructure of the national innovation system by formation of the system of venture financing with participation of the domestic and foreign capital. There are no conditions for commercialization of scientific elaborations, introduction of new high technologies, improvement of the system of evaluation of intellectual property and scientific and technical products and innovations market, ensuring effective coordination of scientific-technical and innovation programs implemented in the country.
In my opinion, the prospects are very promising.
Thank you for the interview.