Kazakhstan sees drop in agricultural output in 2021
While speaking at the Government’s session Minister Irgaliyev revealed that a 2.5% decrease in agricultural output was observed in Kazakhstan in the reporting period. A 15% drop in agricultural output was registered in Kostanay region, while in North Kazakhstan and Akmola regions it stood at 12.6% and 11.2%, respectively.
Irgaliyev noted that growth in agricultural output was recorded in 11 regions of the country with Pavlodar (10.7% increase) and East Kazakhstan (6.4% increase) regions coming on top.
In his report, Minister Irgaliyev also touched upon this year’s growth registered in Kazakhstan’s processing industry. In his words, the domestic processing industry retains the sustainable growth trend. During the reporting period (January-November 2021) it demonstrated a 5.2% growth. Out of 15 regions, Almaty city as well as Almaty and Kyzylorda regions had the highest increase in processing industry output.
Asset Irgaliyev also added that economic growth rates in Kazakhstan in January-November 2021 speeded up to 3.8%.