15:43, 06 March 2009 | GMT +5
?Kazakhstan ? strategic partner of Europe? Forum held in Paris
PARIS-BRUSSELS. March 6. KAZINFORM /Yerzhan Ospanov/ ?Kazakhstan – Strategic Partner of Europe? Forum was organized Thursday in the French National Assembly within the frameworks of realization of ?Path to Europe? State Program under the support of the Kazakh Embassy in France and patronage of French President Nicolas Sarkozy. Parliamentary delegation headed by Deputy Chairman of the Majilis (Lower House of the Kazakh Parliament) Z.Karibzhanov took part in the forum, Kazinform refers to the press service of the Kazakh Embassy in Paris.
French Deputies of ?France-Kazakhstan? Friendship Group, high ranking officials of French Ministries and Departments and heads of leading French companies, reps of the diplomatic mission, business and academic circles of France and Kazakh Diaspora participated ith the forum as well.
Chairman of the ?Kazakhstan-France? friendship group, Deputy Chairman of the Majilis of the Kazakh Parliament Z.Karibzhanov and Deputy of the French National Assembly, Chairman of the friendship group Thierry Mariani opened the forum.
Three workshops on ?17 years of Kazakhstan?s independence: strategic partnership and security risks?, ?Kazakhstan and energy security of Europe? and ?Cooperation in the filed of economy and technologies? were held within the forum. Deputies of the Majilis of the Kazakh Parliament, the Deputy Chairman of the Kazakh Institute for Strategic Studies, the president of the Engineering and Technologies Transfer Center and the rector of the East Kazakhstan State University reported at the workshops.
The participants complimented the successes of Kazakhstan that built equal and confidential relationships with the leading world countries and the nearest neighbors during a short period. It was also stressed that the decision on the Kazakhstan?s OSCE chairmanship in 2010 witnesses the recognition of the Kazakhstan?s role in strengthening of international security and stability. As Kazakh Ambassador to France M.Tashibayev noted, progressive character of the relations between Kazakhstan and France serves to strengthening of strategic partnership between the countries and realization of ?Path to Europe? State program.