Kazakhstan successfully presided over UN Security Council: Kuwaiti Ambassador

ASTANA. KAZINFORM The Embassy of Kuwait in Kazakhstan based in Astana hosted a formal reception marking the 57th Independence Day, 27th Liberation Day, and the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Kuwait on Thursday, Kazinform correspondent reports.

The event was attended by heads of diplomatic missions and international organizations, representatives of the Kazakh Foreign Ministry and other government agencies, businessmen, politicians, representatives of NGOs, educational institutions, and the media.
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In his speech of welcome, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kuwait to Kazakhstan Tareq Abdullah Al-Faraj congratulated Kazakhstan on the successful Presidency over the UN Security Council in January.

"Kazakhstan very successfully presided over the UN Security Council last month and raised a number of issues on the regional and international agenda calling for peace and security. The most important of them is the establishment of regional and non-regional cooperation to strengthen security and development, as well as the resolution of conflicts through peaceful and diplomatic ways. President Nursultan Nazarbayev chaired the UN Security Council meeting themed "Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction: confidence-building measures". The President of Kazakhstan underlined the need to create a world free of weapons of mass destruction, thereby highlighting Kazakhstan's tremendous contribution to that goal when it voluntarily renounced all weapons of mass destruction. By doing so, Mr. President called all countries for a safe and stable peace following the example of Kazakhstan," the diplomat said.

It bears reminding that Kuwait presides over the UN Security Council this month. Besides, Kuwait City has hosted an international conference on the reconstruction of Iraq. The countries participating there pledged to provide loans and investments totaling $30 billion. Moreover, a ministerial meeting of the Global Coalition against Daesh (ISIS) was held within the framework of the international conference.

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This year, the celebration coincided with the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Kuwait. The Ambassador of Kuwait noted that over 25 years the states have established special relations in the economic, cultural and other areas, and exchange of bilateral visits. In addition, a number of contracts have been signed. He also emphasized that the countries are committed to further development of the relations, especially within the Security Council conducting consultations and coordinating efforts on solving international issues of common interest.

In turn, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Akylbek Kamaldinov wished success to the nation and the government of the friendly country.

Speaking about the relations between the two countries, the Vice Minister stressed that Kuwait is one of the crucial partners in the region for Kazakhstan. The countries have established a productive and trust-based dialogue, support each other's political initiatives, and have the potential to develop the cooperation in trade, economic, and cultural aspects.

It should be mentioned that it was a festive reception. The guests enjoyed the ethnic music of Kuwait performed by the orchestra and tasted the national dishes.


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