Kazakhstan suggests opening UN Digital Solutions Centre

Kazakh PM
Photo cerdit: Kazinform

Kazakh Prime Minister suggested opening in Kazakhstan the United Nations Digital Solutions Centre for Sustainable Development in the Asia-Pacific Region, Kazinform News Agency reports.

Addressing the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Digital Inclusion and Transformation in Astana, Bektenov said Kazakhstan is ready to share best practices and knowledge. He called on the digital development ministries of more than 30 countries to support an initiative to establish in Kazakhstan the United Nations Digital Solutions Centre for Sustainable Development in the Asia-Pacific Region.

He said Kazakhstan is open to cooperation, new ideas and certain projects.

The Prime Minister noted the Centre will become a key catalyst for the development of efficient regional cooperation and reduce the digital gap between the nations.

As earlier reported, the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Digital Inclusion and Transformation kicked off in Astana, Kazakhstan. Organized by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) it is to be held from 3 to 5 September 2024.

The conference is aimed at promoting inclusive digital economies and societies in the Asia-Pacific region and fostering digital cooperation. It brings together digital development leaders from over 30 countries.

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