12:10, 06 April 2021 | GMT +5
Kazakhstan to acquire above 14 mln syringes for COVID-19 vaccination
NUR-SULTAN. KAZINFORM «Vaccine production and delivery are compliant with GMP and GDP standards and cold chain requirements,» Kazakh Healthcare Minister Alexey Tsoi told the Government meeting.

Above 9,000 health workers underwent training for vaccination against coronavirus. Above 600 vaccination rooms are opened. 800 units of freezing equipment, 3,000 thermal containers which let store vaccine at -18 degrees Celsius are available.
«300,000 people will have an access to the COVID-19 vaccine, 11.3 mln syringes will be acquired till the end of March. To this end it is necessary to buy 14.5 mln syringes more and open more vaccination rooms,» he resumed.