Kazakhstan to adopt Action Plan on prevention of А/Н1N1 flu spread

ASTANA. May 5. KAZINFORM /Aigul Tulekbayeva/ By the Government?s resolution Kazakhstan will develop an Action Plan on prevention of spread of А/Н1N1 influenza on the country?s territory.
According to Chief Sanitary Doctor of the country Anatoly Belonog there have been no human swine and bird flu cases in Kazakhstan to date. As is known, there was established a working group for elaboration of propositions on prevention of swine flu spread on the country?s territory. In accordance with the World Health Organization?s data, the cases of confirmed high-pathogenic type of flu have been recorded in 21 countries including Mexico, Portugal, the USA, Germany, France etc. A. Belonog shares his EU colleagues? concern over the problem. ?Healthcare Ministers of the EU forecast that the first wave of flu will pass, but the next one is expected in autumn-winter season?, he said. ?We do not have direct flights to the South American countries, but at the same time many of our citizens have been to these countries?, A. Belonog noted. It is known, Kazakhstan has imposed restrictions on import and transit of meat, meat products and products manufactured from them, which did not pass thermal treatment and the products received from any kinds of animals, shipped after April 28, 2009 from Mexico and American states Texas, California and Kansas.
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