12:31, 25 May 2016 | GMT +5
Kazakhstan to attract $100 bln of foreign investments in nearest decade - Issekeshev
ASTANA. KAZINFORM Kazakhstan plans to attract $100 bln of foreign investments in the nearest 10 years, Minister of Investments and Development Asset Issekeshev said it today at the Investment Summit being held during the 2016 Astana Economic Forum.
"We have set a goal to attract $100 bln of foreign investments in our economy in the nearest 10 yeats, as we have 200 projects with foreign participation," said Issekeshev.
The Minister reminded of slowdown in Kazakhstan's oil and ore-mining industries in 2015. According to him, 70% of the total volume of foreign investments attracted by Kazakhstan fall on the past 5 years, that is more than $4 bln.
"To date, investors are interested in traditional spheres of extraction of minerals, but processing sector remains promising too as it has attracted over $20 bln. We are pleased to cooperate with all the investors and exert every effort to create comfortable conditions for them," he added.