10:58, 29 April 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakhstan to be on top of world uranium output - <i>Kazatomprom</i> President
ALMATY. April 29. KAZINFORM /Serik Koibagarov/ President of the National Atomic Company Kazatomprom JSC M.Dzhakishev has called the discovery of a new uranium field an epochal event. The opening of the new mine Irkol was held the other day in Kyzylorda oblast.

M.Dzhakishev noted that China is the largest and rapidly growing market for uranium products. As per the last programs of the Chinese atomic energy, it is planned to create over 100 atomic power stations. Now China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group (CGNPG) is building 16 atomic power stations.
According to him, the discovery of the Irkol mine is the beginning of cooperation between the two countries in the atomic sphere.
?There were many skeptics, when in 2004 we announced the plans of the production increase and bringing Kazakhstan to a leading positionin in the world. This year we are approaching the top position in the global production of natural uranium?, M.Dzhakishev said.