Kazakhstan to build Green Tech Inventory

"The green rating is one of the directions of great interest. In the long view energy and ecological efficiency will become drivers of competitive strength for the business sector along with social accountability that complies with the principles of industrialization and technological modernization the President of Kazakhstan focused on," head of the International Centre for Green Technologies and Investment Projects Rapil Zhoshybayev told a press conference.
The centre was built at the intuitive of the Kazakh President at the ground of EXPO 2017 infrastructure and heritage.
According to him, the centre is purposed to create conditions for investors, to assure payback and security of green investments, to build green culture and tackle ecological problems through the development of green technologies in Kazakhstan and subsequently in Central Asia. The centre will provide methodological, legal and technical support to regional authorities, investors and business projects in the sphere of green economy.
He also stated that thanks to partnership with foreign colleagues Kazakhstan has an opportunity to study the best international practice.
Implementation of the Best Available Technologies Inventory is of great importance for the country's economy. It is planned to create it this year.
Besides, the centre is building the digital database now to integrate sketchy data concerning solar, wind and hydro and geothermal potential, solid waste landfill map throughput Kazakhstan.