Kazakhstan to create system of competitive personnel training - 2011-2012 State program of Education Development
The Head of State always stresses necessity of developing the intellectual potential of our nation.
"Our objective is to change the Kazakhstanis' attitude to education, intellect, serving to Motherland and people. We should create a core of the national intellect, we need high erudite people capable to compete on the international level", the President said addressing the students of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
In his Address to the Nation New Decade- New Economic Growth-New Opportunities of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev charged the Government to implement 12-year education in secondary schools by 2020.
"Vocational and technical education must be based on professional standards and strictly linked to the demands of economy. The quality of higher education must meet all highest international requirements. The universities of the country must strive for entering the ratings of the leading universities of the globe", the Presidential Address reads.
On the President's instruction a new State Program of Development of Education for 2011-2012 has been drafted to date. The document has already been approved by the Government and will be submitted for the President's consideration soon. The draft Program aims at realization of 9 directions of development:
The first direction is financing. In accordance with the Program, the system of financing education will be improved and this will lead in turn to equal access to educational services. Since 2015 all educational organizations will implement the mechanism of per capita financing. This will allow increasing the efficiency of budgetary expenditures and promoting accessibility of qualitative education for various groups of population.
The second direction is raising the status of teacher. The system of education will be provided with highly qualified personnel. State support and stimulation of the teachers' work will be enhanced.
The third direction is management of education. Realization of this direction will let form a new public-private system of education management like in developed countries. Public management of the educational system will be carried out through the guardian councils. The universities will implement the principles of corporate governance.
The fourth direction is implementation of e-learning system aimed at ensuring equal access of all participants of the educational process to the best educational resources and technologies.
The fifth direction is upbringing and teaching. This direction pursues the aim of full coverage of children with pre-school education both in urban and rural areas. An alternative network of pre-school organizations will be developed, foe example, private and public kindergartens, family-type organizations, mini-centers etc.
The sixth direction is development of secondary education: formation of intellectual, physically and spiritually developed citizen, satisfaction of his demand in obtaining education, development of competitive human resource for economic well being of the country. Realization of this direction provides for transition to 12-year education.
The seventh direction is technical and vocational education. The goal is modernization of the system of vocational education in compliance with the needs of the society and industrial-innovative development of economy, integration into the global educational space.
The eighth direction targets on development of graduate and post-graduate education. This provides for improvement of the quality of the higher education, satisfying the demands of the labor market, the objectives of industrial-innovative development of the country, and the individuals. Implementation of this direction will let Kazakhstan integrate into the European zone of higher education.
The ninth direction is lifelong education which aims at implementation of various forms and types of education for all ages in order to let the people satisfy their educational demands on all levels of education, voucher system of retraining of adults and KazTest system of evaluation of the Kazakh language knowledge.
The draft Program aims also at development of educational work and youth policy. For this, a system of protection of the children's rights and interests will be created in compliance with the international norms and standards. The Centers of temporary isolation, adaptation and rehabilitation for juveniles will be reorganized into the Centers of adaptation of the juveniles. A package of measures on patriotic education and formation of civil activity, social responsibility and the mechanisms of identifying the youth's potential will be launched.
In whole, implementation of the Program will allow to improve the international ratings, to make Kazakhstan's educational system more attractive, to ensure sustainable growth of the country's economy and to upgrade competitiveness of human capital in the global space. As a result, the population will get access to qualitative education, to the best educational resources and technologies. Communicative and professional competence of the students will be developed.
The draft Program was thoroughly discussed at various platforms with the participation of the teachers, international and Kazakhstani experts and representatives of political parties.
The document was coordinated with 17 central ministries and departments, 16 local executive bodies. Implementation of the State Program will promote dynamic development of the country's educational system through creation of favorable conditions for increasing the citizens' access to qualitative education.
The draft Program was published in media and placed at internet.