17:21, 23 December 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakhstan to double overall production in engineering next five years
ASTANA. December 23. KAZINFORM /Serik Sabekov/ Kazakhstan intends to double overall production in engineering next five years from KZT 270 bln up to KZT 630 bln; Chairman of the Board of the Engineering Workers Guild of Kazakhstan Meiram Pshembayev has said it today at the Governmental session.

"I think we will not stop at this so the level of engineering in the total volume of industry could reach the level of 1990 or 15 percent, and we must double this index", - he noted.
According to him oil, transport, mining, metallurgical, agricultural and defense industries are the priority area in the development of engineering.
"Today these fields of engineering are the most oriented ones to master the engineering output during a short period of time not only for internal needs but also for the export", - he added.