12:47, 14 September 2015 | GMT +5
Kazakhstan to harvest 17 mln tonnes of grain in 2015 (PHOTO)
ASTANA. KAZINFORM Kazakhstan plans to gather more than 17 mln tonnes of grain this year, Vice Minister of Agriculture Saparkhan Omarov said at an on-site press conference of the Central Communications Office today.
The total area of crop land makes 21 mln 200 thousand ha this year, the Minister noted. 14 mln 900 thousand ha were used for cereal crops including 11 mln 700 thousand ha for wheat. Oil crops occupy the area of 2 mln ha and forage crops cover 3.7 mln ha of land. Harvesting campaigns have been launched almost in nall regions. 6 mln ha of grain crops have already been gathered (or 41% of the whole cropping area). The lowest crop yield is expected in Aktobe and West Kazakhstan regions for heat and dry weather conditions, Omarov added..