Kazakhstan to increase sown areas of socially significant crops

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ASTANA. KAZINFORM – Kazakhstan is set to increase sowing areas of socially significant crops, Abulkhair Tamabek, vice minister of agriculture, said, Kazinform correspondent reports.

While addressing a briefing, Tamabek said that there are plans to increase the sunflower acreage by 30.8 thousand ha. The sown area under vegetable crops and potato are set to rise by 11.1 thousand ha.

He went on to say that the area of cotton cultivation is to be reduced to 111.4 thousand ha, 14.8 thousand ha less than in the past year.

The area of rice planting is up by 7.6 thousand ha compared with last year in the country.

The vice minister added that the planned sown areas under cereals, vegetables, and potato will enable to fully meet the needs of the domestic market.

Earlier it was reported that there are plans to increase sown areas of cereals and leguminous crops by 117 thousand ha, fodder crops by 36.5 thousand ha, and sugar beet by 6.7 thousand ha this year.

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