Kazakhstan to produce 400,000 tonnes of primary aluminum by 2020 - Issekeshev

ALMATY. KAZINFORM Minister of Investments and Development Asset Issekeshev visited Aluminum of Kazakhstan LLP in Almaty region today.

The plant employing 150 personnel was put into operation in April 2015 as part of the country's 2015-2019 Industrialization Map. The amount of investments made 2 mln 800 thousand tenge. The enterprise is specialized in manufacturing aluminum extrusions with project per annum capacity of 12 thousand tonnes. In the first year of its functioning the enterprise plans to produce up to 300 thousand tonnes of aluminum with gradual increase of capacity up to 100% in the nearest outlook. "The Head of State commissioned us to raise the volume of primary aluminum up to 400 thousand tonnes by 2020 with 250 thousand tonnes of advanced processing. Our Ministry and Almaty regional administration are going to sign a joint action plan to define the program for the next five years of industrialization," the Minister said.

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