Kazakhstan to revive tungsten industry: CEO of Tau-Ken Samruk

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Kazakhstan intends to revive the tungsten industry, CEO of National Mining Company Tau-Ken Samruk JSC Kanat Kudaibergen said at the World Mining Congress underway in Astana, Kazinform cites the company's press service.

Kazakhstan has large proven reserves of tungsten, a rare and, at the same time, highly demanded metal. The development of the tungsten industry in the country began in the 1970s. However, the implementation of projects related to tungsten mining operations stopped due to a number of economic and political reasons in 1993.

About 12 deposits have been explored in Kazakhstan. The total reserves of tungsten trioxide are estimated at over 2 million tons. The largest and most promising deposits are Upper Kairakty and Northern Katpar deposits located 20 kilometers from each other (Karaganda region). The total reserves of these two deposits are estimated at about 1 million 300 thousand tons of tungsten. Taking into account the total reserves of Northern Katpar and Upper Kairakty, Kazakhstan will become the possessor of the dominant share of the world's tungsten resources.

According to the CEO of National Mining Company Tau-Ken Samruk JSC, the tungsten mining operations at the above deposits will enable Kazakhstan to enter a new market and become one of its leading players by becoming an alternative supplier of tungsten for the world community. In fact, it is a real revival of the tungsten industry of Kazakhstan.


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