Kazakhstan turns into world's leading uranium producer

ASTANA. December 15. KAZINFORM  Kazakhstan's uranium production will hit 13,500 metric tons in 2009, or up 58% from last year, making the ex-Soviet state the world's leading uranium producer, Kazatomprom said on Tuesday.

"Consolidated revenue from the sale of Kazatomprom's output in 2009 will exceed last year's level by 53%," the country's nuclear holding company said in a statement.

Kazatomprom earlier said it expected to receive a net income of 49 billion tenge ($326.6 million) in 2009.

The company is currently developing areas like natural uranium conversion and enrichment, fuel production for reactors, and the creation and operation of small and medium-sized reactors.

Kazatomprom is the national operator for the import and export of uranium, rare metals, nuclear fuel for power plants, special equipment and duel-purpose materials.

The company is wholly owned by the government of Kazakhstan, Kazinform refers to RIA Novosti.

See www.en.rian.ru

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