Kazakhstan, U.S. to set up bilateral council on trade and investments

ASTANA. November 27. KAZINFORM Kazakhstan and the U.S. are to set up the bilateral council on trade and investments, the secretariat of the Kazakh Minister of Economic Integration reports.

The decision on the establishment of the council was made last week in Washington within the negotiations on Kazakhstan's accession to the WTO.

The sides also reached agreement on the issues of protection of intellectual property rights, trade policy and technical barriers in trade. The problems of public support of agriculture, regulation of the state commercial enterprises were high on the agenda as well.

In the course of her visit to Washington, Zhanar Aitzhanova, the Minister of Economic Integration of Kazakhstan, met with representatives of the White House, the Department of State, the Senate and the Office of the United States Trade Representative. At the meetings, the U.S. has once again reiterated its interest in Kazakhstan in terms of business and investment cooperation for further diversification of its economy and voiced support of Kazakhstan's speedy entry into the WTO.

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