Kazakhstan welcomes African countries to OIC science summit

MOSCOW. KAZINFORM - Vice- Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Akylbek Kamaldinov has held a briefing for the Ambassadors of African countries accredited in Moscow on the occasion of the first OIC science and technologies summit which will take place on September 10-11, 2017 in Astana.    

Addressing foreign diplomats the Foreign Vice-Minister of Kazakhstan pointed out that the summit was one of the initiatives of President Nursultan Nazarbayev which was welcomed by the OIC countries.

According to Kamaldinov, this important event is targeted to development of cooperation among OIC countries in science, technologies, innovations and modernization including adoption of the world's best practices which will allow to build a fundament of a new strong Umma.


Kamaldinov briefed on the progress of the preparation works conducted jointly with the OIC General Secretariat.

"The summit titled "Science, Technologies and Modernization" will be held on September 10-11, 2017 in Astana. It was accidental that we chose this date. At that time the international exhibition EXPO-2017 will be ongoing in Astana which is called to foster multilateral technological development and consolidation of the economic potential of Islamic Umma. Taking the chance the OIC delegates will take part in the official ceremony of closing of EXPO-2017", the Vice Minister explained.

The special and extraordinary ambassadors of Kazakhstan in the OIC countries with concurrent accreditation as RoK Government envoys will hand over the personal invitations of Kazakhstan President to the heads of state and government of the OIC countries to the summit in Astana. In this regard the Kazakh Vice-Minister expressed a request to the OIC foreign ministries to provide assistance to the Kazakh ambassadors in delivering the original invitations to the first heads of the OIC countries.


Kamaldinov handed over the information materials, the Foreign Ministry's Note and the copies of invitations to the African diplomats.  The main documents of the summit, according to him, will be the Final Communiqué and Astana Declaration.  

"With active support of the General Secretariat of the OIC and COMSTECH the draft communique is being concurred and will be negotiated in two expert meetings in Jidda in April and in Astana on September 7-8, 2017 and in the OIC meeting of the ministers responsible for development of science and technologies on September 9, 2017 in Astana", Kamaldinov informed.


The Kazakhstan party undertakes the expenditures for accommodation and transportation support of the heads of delegations on "1+5" format: Summit - «1+2», Ministers Meeting - «1+1» Experts Meeting in September 2017 - per one person.

To ensure quality preparation for the Summit a special web site is being created which will have all information about the Summit.

"We welcome the OIC member countries to take part in this important event", Kamaldinov said.



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