Kazakhstani female climber to take on Mount Elbrus after Everest

Photo credit: Kazakh tourism and sport ministry

First Kazakhstani woman to climb the highest point on Earth – Mount Everest - Anar Burasheva spoke about her plans to take on Mount Elbrus - the highest mountain in Russia and Europe, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

Kazakh tourism and sport minister Yermek Marzhikpayev held a meeting with the members of the national patriotic expedition Kazakh Everest Team, which includes legendary Kazakhstani climber Maksut Zhumabayev as well as Anar Burasheva and Almira Kymbatbaiuly, who were among the first seven climbers in season 2024 to conquer the highest point on Earth – Mount Everest.

Photo credit: Kazakh tourism and sport ministry

During the meeting, the minister warmly welcomed the members of the Kazakh Everest Team expedition, congratulating them on conquering Mount Everest. Marzhikpayev also handed over certificates of appreciation to the climbers for promoting mountain climbing in the country as well as expressed hope for more conquests under the Kazakhstani flag.

Photo credit: Kazakh tourism and sport

For their part, the Kazakh Everest Team members spoke about their ascent of Everest. In particular, Anar revealed her plans to climb the seven peaks of the world, the two of which – Mount Everest in Asia and Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa – she already conquered.

According to the climber, she plans to take on Mount Elbrus (5,642m above the sea level) - the highest mountain in the Caucasus. Anar is to climb four more mounts, including Mount Aconcagua (6,962m), Vinson Massif (4,892m), Denali (6,194m) and Puncak Jaya (4,884) by the end of 2025.

In May this year, Kazakh Everest Team, which included Anar Burasheva, successfully conquered the highest point on Earth – Mount Everest (8,848m).

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