12:17, 25 September 2015 | GMT +5
Kazakhstani ministers' reports to be live-streamed online (PHOTO)
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - From now on the meetings where Kazakhstani ministers, akims and rectors of national universities deliver reports to the population will be live-streamed online, announced member of Kazakhstani Parliament Maulen Ashimbayev.
According to him, it is set forth in the bill "On access to information". "The reporting meetings of ministers, akims and rectors of national universities is an important format and the bill gives the general idea of how those meetings should be held," the deputy of Majilis, the lower chamber of the Kazakh Parliament, said at an international conference in Astana on Friday. MP Ashimbayev added that the meetings will be prepared and organized by community boards. Announcements about the upcoming meetings will appear in mass media and the official websites of ministries, akimats and universities 15 days prior of the event.