Kazakhstani students’ project ‘Smart Glasses’ selected as one of top 100 in the world

11th grade students from Atyrau region develop Smart Glasses, selected as one of the top 100 world innovations, Kazinform News Agency cites the press service of the Kazakh Entertainment Ministry.

Photo: Kazakh Entertainment Ministry

The glasses are RikaAI-based. This intuitive application is activated by finger tapping, providing voice command capabilities via a headset and allowing to interact with the device, says Khairdar Atagulla, one of the developers of the project. ‘We made use of a 3D printer to manufacture the material, while a camera, a headset and a microphone were supplied separately,’ he added.

The project was declared the Jasscience-2024 contest winner and entered the 100 Rise Global Winners 2024 list.

The glasses have four key features. The first one is that they can take questions, similar to ChatGPT or Wikipedia. Second is that they can scan and read texts. Third is that they can signal obstacles, preventing falls and injuries among persons with impaired vision. The last one is that the glasses can record what’s happening around. More features are to be added in the future, says Kairkhan Lukpanov, the project’s another developer.

Thanks to the project’s success, Khairdar Atagulla got a unique opportunity to get free-of-charge education at any university of the world.

Earlier it was reported that the schooler from Kostanay presented the AI-based cap, set to assist people with disabilities.

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