13:03, 12 January 2009 | GMT +5
Kazakhstanis address questions to Prime Minister
ASTANA. January 12. KAZINFORM /Bauyrzhan Mukanov/ Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov has commissioned Mayors to settle problems with drinking water in Stepnogorsk, unsanitary conditions in the bathhouse in Astana and heating at school of Olympic reserve in Shymkent, Kazinform reports.
?I have received e-mails with questions and I want Mayors to answer them?, K.Massimov said.
The Premier was asked to address the issue of drinking water in Stepnogorsk. ?The problem is topical. Water-supply system of the town is old and wastes are up to 50%. KZT 670 mln will be allocated next year for its reconstruction ?, the Governor of Akmola region responded.
A citizen of Astana complained about disorder in ?Keremet? bathhouse of Astana. The Prime Minister decided to visit the bathhouse and inspect it together with the Mayor of the city.
Finally, the Prime Minister was asked to solve the problem of heating at school of Olympic reserve in Shymkent. The Premier commissioned the Governor of the South Kazakhstan region to solve the problem.