10:26, 29 April 2009 | GMT +5
Kazan hosted VI Conference of SCO Ministers of Culture
KAZAN. April 29. KAZINFORM VI Conference of the Ministers of Culture of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member countries was held in Kazan (Russian Federation) on April 26-28. Vice Minister of Culture and Information of Kazakhstan A. I. Buribayev , Minister of Culture of China People?s Republic Cai Wu, Minister of Culture and Information of Kyrgyzstan Sultan Rayev, Minister of Culture of Russia Alexander Avdeyev, Minister of Culture of Tajikistan Mirzoshorukh Asrori and first Deputy Minister of Culture and Sport of Uzbekistan B. Saifullayev gathered for the event.

Secretary General of the SCO Bolat Nurgaliyev participated in the conference. The Organization?s observer countries were represented by Vice Minister of Culture of India Sirkar Javhar, Minister of Culture and Islamic Orientation of Iran Mohammad Hossein Safar Harandi and Vice Minister of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia Kulanda Chonoi.
The conference was chaired by Russian Minister of Culture A. Avdeyev.
The SCO Ministers of Culture shared their opinions regarding national cultural traditions and youth problems, discussed state and prospects of cultural exchanges and other issues of mutual interest.
The participants noted successful execution of the plan on realization of the 2009-2011 SCO Governmental Agreement on cooperation in culture as of August 16, 2007.
The sides spoke for further development of multilateral cultural ties within the Organization promoting strengthening mutual understanding among the nations, preservation of cultural diversity, mutual respect, and dissemination of knowledge of the traditions of the peoples living on the SCO territory.
Issues of preparation and holding the V Festival of Arts of the SCO member countries scheduled for June 15-16 in Yekaterinburg were discussed. The Festival will be held within a regular sitting the SCO Presidents? Council.
The countries also expressed intentions to support and develop interaction in the sphere of culture with the SCO observer states.
Following the VI conference of the SCO Culture Ministers a Declaration on youth?s role in preservation and increasing cultural traditions and heritage of the SCO nations was adopted.
The next VII Conference of the SCO Culture Ministers will be held in China.