Kazcosmos accepted systems of high-precision satellite navigation into service

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - The state commission recommended accepting into service the center of differential correction and monitoring and a network of differential stations made by "Kazakhstan Garysh Sapary" JSC.

As head of the state commission, deputy chairman of the aerospace committee of the Ministry of Investments and Development of Kazakhstan Meirbek Moldabekov told, the members of the commission were presented the results of the tests of the center of differential correction and monitoring and a network of differential stations, which had 60 stations. These systems are all part of the ground infrastructure of the high-precision satellite navigation system. This system is used for increasing the positional accuracy for cadastral and land measuring work, topographic-geodesic work, precision farming and other similar types of work. Presently, the new navigation system of Kazakhstan is being tested, this is why "Kazakhstan Garysh Sapary" JSC provides the service of the system for free for a two-month period.

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